Ensemble, poursuivons l'élan engagé contre le VIH et le sida
Chers utilisateurs,
Chers Partenaires,
La lutte de l'humanité contre la pandémie de VIH depuis un peu plus de trois ans vu l'implication d'acteurs majeurs et clés. Au tout début de ce combat, il éprouve déjà d'inverser les tendances, avec l'intention de donner de l'espoir aux patients, à la société et à tous nos partenaires.
C'est dans cet élan que la Première Dame du Cameroun, Madame Chantal BIYA, a pesé de tout son poids pour offrir au Cameroun, à l'Afrique et au monde une lueur d'espoir en créant ce Centre de Recherche qui porte son nom de famille. Le CBIRC a en effet été créé en 2006 et avait pour vocation de mutualiser les efforts des Camerounais et des partenaires pour une dynamique significative de lutte contre le VIH / SIDA.
Doté de laboratoires modernes et d'une plateforme technique de haut niveau à la mesure de ses missions, le CBIRC entend ainsi jouer pleinement son rôle dans la lutte universelle contre ce fléau transfrontalier commun de l'infection à VIH. À cette fin, les programmes de recherche et les activités de routine qui y sont menées visent principalement le bien-être des personnes infectées et / ou affectées par le VIH.
Dans cette action, une part essentielle est donnée au partenariat scientifique et le CBIRC entend développer davantage ses collaborations tant au niveau national qu'international. Par ailleurs, l'expertise des chercheurs du CBIRC, constamment renforcée avec la collaboration de nos différents partenaires, constitue un réel atout pour le développement de notre Centre.
C'est en effet ensemble que nous pouvons réussir à donner corps à l'un des grands espoirs de notre temps, comme la marraine du CBIRC, Madame Chantal Biya, l'avait déjà imaginé lors de l'inauguration de ce Centre lorsqu'elle disait:
« Je suis convaincu que grâce à notre mobilisation, notre volonté commune et notre détermination, nous pourrons faire en sorte que [le CBIRC réponde aux attentes de nos populations. Alors peut-être un jour, pourquoi pas, grâce au travail de ce Centre , combiné avec celui de la communauté mondiale, nous vaincrons le sida » .
C'est cette vision que le CBIRC s'emploie à communiquer à tous les Camerounais et à ses partenaires. Nos efforts communs doivent contribuer à atteindre cet objectif.
Notre lutte contre le VIH / sida est difficile, mais nous pouvons la gagner.
Pr Alexis NDJOLO
Directeur général CBIRCB
Le Centre International de Référence de Recherche sur la Prévention et la Gestion du VIH / SIDA "Chantal Biya" (CBIRC) est un type particulier d'Etablissement Public Administratif (PAE), placé sous la tutelle technique du Ministère de la Santé Publique. et la supervision financière du ministère des Finances.
Le CBIRC est une structure publique de recherche multidisciplinaire à vocation nationale et internationale, dont l'objectif général est d'améliorer les connaissances et la qualité des soins destinés aux personnes infectées par le VIH / SIDA.
Le Centre International de Référence "Chantal BIYA" pour la recherche sur la prévention et la gestion du VIH / SIDA (CBIRC) est l'aboutissement des efforts de la Première Dame du Cameroun, Madame Chantal BIYA, Ambassadrice de bonne volonté de l'UNESCO .
Inauguré le 23 février 2006, le CBIRC est le fruit d'un immense plaidoyer initié par les Premières Dames d'Afrique, à travers l'ONG africaine. Synergies, en direction d'un certain nombre de partenaires: Gouvernements camerounais et italien, World Foundation AIDS Research and Prevention, UNESCO, Institute of Human Virology.
Le Centre International de Reference Chantal BIYA a lancé son Plan de Travail Annuel 2024 à travers sa traditionnelle Conférence des services. La 5ème du genre. L'occasion a permis de faire le bilan de l'année écoulée et de présenter les perspectives envisagées pour 2024. Le but ultime est d'emmener l'ensemble du personnel à partager une vision commune de l'institution.
Publish 29/09/2022
Sub-regional Training Worskhop on Next Generation Sequencing of COVID-19 variant and sub-variants between Cameroon and Chad
The EDCTP PERFECT-Study is a multinational project on COVID-19, under the coordination of the CIRCB.
In this website, you will find:
1- the project objectives,
2- Field activities,
3- Progress reports,
4- Scientific publications and conference abstracts,
5- Public communication,
6- our network of partners
Publish 18/07/2022
Fighting against STIs and HIV/AIDS in schools / Synergy for the reduction of contaminations
A memorandum of understanding signed last Friday between the Ministry of Secondary Education and the Chantal Biya International Reference Centre.
Publish 22/06/2022
This was revealed during the 8th ordinary session of the Management Board of the research Centre on June 21, 2022.
It was through a two-day workshop held on 24 and 25 March 2022
The beneficiaries were sensitised on the financial and administrative management of the grants and the expectations from financial consortium.
Publish 09/12/2021
Depuis l’identification des premiers cas de COVID-19 le 6 Mars 2021 au Cameroun, la pays fait face à sa troisième vague de la pandémie enregistrant au 1er Décembre 2021 un cumul de 107.549 cas confirmés ; 1.823 décès ; 105.017 personnes guéries (97,3%) ; 3.660 personnels de santé infectés dont 57 décès ; 565 femmes enceintes infectées dont 7 décès (1,2%); 709 cas actifs ; 53 cas hospitalisés dont 24 sous oxygène ; 3,4% de taux de sévérité ; 1,7% de taux de létalité ; et 4,4% (606.885) de personnes complètement vaccinées dans la population cible (âgée de 18 ans et plus).
Durant cette période de la pandémie à COVID-19, plus de 370.000 sont retenus sous traitement antirétroviral sur l’étendue du territoire national, avec jusqu’à 66% (245.590) des personnes âgées entre 25 et 49 ans, suivis de 87.786 (24% environ) âgées de plus de 50 et plus, et près de 11.200 (3%) enfants de moins de 15 ans. Ces données indiquent que la population des sous traitement ARV prenne de l’âge grâce au succès des stratégies thérapeutiques mis en place par le gouvernement Camerounais. Ce succès passe également par les nouvelles combinaisons thérapeutiques à base du dolutegravir actuellement tant en populations adultes que pédiatriques.
Toutefois, la pandémie à COVID-19 constitue un frein dans la poursuite de ce succès programmatique, notamment avec des éventuelles ruptures dans l’approvisionnement des intrants et médicaments, l’accès limité aux services de santé, y compris de test de suivi biologique (charge virale plasmatique et/ou comptage du taux des CD4) toujours gratuit de l’efficacité du traitement antirétroviral), les interruptions de traitement chez les patients ayant peur de se rendre à la formation sanitaire pour retrait des médicaments qui demeurent gratuits, ou des épisodes considérables de mauvaise observance. Tous ces évènements entrainent un risque d’émergence de la résistance du VIH aux médicaments antirétroviraux, et la menace d’une épidémie de de virus résistants au long terme. Face à cette menace réelle, le gouvernement a développé des stratégies pour assurer la dispensation continue des médicaments dans toutes les 10 régions du pays, ainsi que les intrants pour le suivi de la charge virale. Toutefois, durant cette période de COVID-19, les épisodes importants de mauvaise observance ou d’interruption temporaire de traitement constituent ainsi le risque primordial de résistance du VIH aux ARV. C’est dans cette optique que le CIRCB, en collaboration avec la DLMEP et le CNLS, appuie mensuellement, au sein de la plateforme de virologie dénommée VIROFORUM, les cliniciens des différentes régions pour une détection précoce des échecs thérapeutiques et de la survenue de la résistance du VIH au Cameroun.
Tenant compte des défis imposés par la COVID-19 à savoir limitation des déplacements et le risque accru de résistance du VIH, il devient capital de mettre en place une stratégie de décentralisation de la prise en charge optimale de la résistance par des cliniciens bien outillés et actualisés en la matière.
Programme Atelier National de Virologie
Publish 01/12/2021
Ces professionnels de médias spécialisés dans les questions de santé ont été édifiés sur les missions du CIRCB le 26 novembre dernier à Yaoundé.
Publish 23/11/2021
The country’s Ambassador, Filippo Scammacca Del Murgo and wife paid a courtesy visit to CIRCB on November 23, 2021.
Publish 15/11/2021
Publish 13/03/2021
The infrastructure was officially handed over to the Chantal Biya International Reference Centre on March 06, 2021 during a ceremony presided over by the SG of the South Region, representing the Governor.
Publish 04/05/2020
The CBIRC General Manager, Prof. Alexis NDJOLO, specifies the contours of the contribution of this institution in the battle against the coronavirus.
Publish 04/05/2020
Selected by the MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH for the Covid-19 diagnosis, the CBIRC uses its expertise
Publish 06/02/2020
The CBIRC intends to prevent the transmission of hepatitis B from mother to child
A two-day workshop on the issue was held at the Chantal Biya International Reference Center in Yaoundé.
Publish 11/12/2019
The signing ceremony of the collaboration agreement took place on December 11, 2019.
To strengthen the training of EUIC students, Pr. Alexis NDJOLO, CBIRC General Manager, and Rev. Dr. Jean Blaise KENMOGNE, Rector of the university institution based in Bandjoun, in the West region, signed an agreement that now binds their two structures.
Publish 22/11/2019
A national virology workshop on drug resistance control strategies was organized at the CBIRC
Publish 20/11/2019
The CBIRC examines its ability to manage new anti-HIV drugs
It was during the 11th ordinary session of the Scientific Council of the Research Center on November 19, 2019, in Yaoundé.
Publish 19/11/2019
The launch of the "Social vaccine" program and the awarding of scholarships for academic excellence to the First Lady were among the articulations of the ceremony.
Publish 24/10/2019
XXVIII International Workshop on Anti-HIV Drugs Resistance and Treatment Strategies
Press release from the Director-General of the CBIRC:
Dr. Joseph FOKAM, Head of the Virology Laboratory at CBIRC took part from October 16 to 18, 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa, in the 28th international workshop on HIV resistance and treatment strategies, at the end of which he obtained the "BRAVERY PRIZE" award.
Publish 31/07/2019
The 10th ordinary session of the Scientific Council made it possible to assess the work done.
Publish 31/07/2019
A capacity building workshop for health personnel from the ten regions of Cameroon was held on 31 and August 1st, 2019 at the headquarters of the institution.
Publish 18/07/2019
The 2019 Sasakawa Prize of the World Health Organization (WHO) was awarded to Professor Judith NDONGO EMBOLA TORIMIRO, Coordinator of the CBIRC Laboratories, at the same time Head of the Molecular Biology Laboratory and the Biological and Microscopic Imaging Laboratory, this is in recognition of his 27 years devoted to operational research on health and more particularly in the field of HIV and viral hepatitis.
Publish 01/07/2019
The CBIRC, in a second successive project funded by AMFAR, is joining an international consortium researching a functional treatment for HIV infections. The Post-Antiretroviral Therapy (PTC) Controllers Consortium will use a global PTC cohort to determine the properties of a functional cure for HIV infection. This is to develop new strategies for the ultimate eradication of HIV in chronically infected people. The AIDS Research Foundation (AMFAR) also funded 2018 the HIV vaccine research team of the CBIRC and international partners to continue similar studies. This current funding to the same consortium will go a long way in strengthening the financial resources of the consortium. The CBIRC highly appreciates the efforts of AMFAR
Publish 11/06/2018
The quality of the management of Prof. Alexis NDJOLO recognized by the jury of the International Committee of the Excellence (ICE)
Publish 28/05/2018
The director of the Chantal BIYA International Reference Center (CBIRC ) calls on Mr. BAKOUBA Kaljob Noe’ Registration Number 0701, a researcher in the Financial and Accounting Affairs Department of the CBIRC, absent from his post since January 29, 2018, to join the said post within 10 working days, failing to do so, the concerned will be considered as having resigned.
Publish 04/05/2018
Employees of this structure built on the concept last week by an expert from GICAM
Publish 02/05/2018
The institution has traditionally made a point of showing its commitment to decent work and the development of its employees.
Publish 19/04/2018
Fight against HIV: the CBIRC promotes the quality of examinations
L’institution a, les 17 et 18 Avril 2018, assuré la mise à niveau des techniciens de laboratoires venus des régions
Publish 12/04/2018
Under the high patronage of the Minister of Public Health, the `` Chantal Biya '' International Reference Center for Research on the Prevention and HIV / AIDS Management, is organizing from Tuesday 17 a Practical Training Workshop for Regional Technicians on the "LABORATORY QUALITY" to Wednesday 18 April 2018 at its headquarters in Yaoundé. Note that this workshop concerns the national program for the external evaluation of the quality of the counting of CD4T lymphocytes. |
Publish 22/12/2017
During her stay in Cameroon, the Right Honorable Patricia Scotland visited the institution created at the initiative of Chantal BIYA.
Publish 21/12/2017
This is due to the signing of a partnership agreement that now binds the two institutions.
Publish 30/11/2017
The 11th ordinary session of the Management Committee of the Chantal BIYA International Reference Center for research on the prevention and care of HIV / AIDS (CBIRC ) will take place on Wednesday, December 27, 2017, from 10 am at the headquarters of the institution, located at Melen in Yaoundé.
Publish 23/11/2017
2nd edition of the Cameroonian month and 30th World AIDS Day
Theme: "Right to Health"
“Speed-up the response”
Educational conferences, voluntary, anonymous, and free screening for HIV and hepatitis B and C from November 28 to 30 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the CBIRC
Publish 22/11/2017
Early diagnosis recommended in the fight against HIV in children
Doctors from the 10 regions of the country met on November 20 and 21, 2017 at the CBIRC to harmonize their strategies in this area.
Publish 21/11/2017
The evaluation of the 2017 activity report, among other subjects on the agenda of this advisory body of the Chantal Biya International Reference Center.
Publish 20/11/2017
This is the common thread of the workshop organized from November 14 to 16, 2017 by the CBIRC
Publish 31/10/2017
This is all thanks to a four-day workshop organized by the structure, intending to improve the diagnosis of these diseases.
Publish 21/06/2017
The CBIRC and ICAP strengthen their collaboration against HIV
The Director of the AIDS Care and Treatment Center (ICAP), visited Melen on June 15, 2017
Publish 06/06/2017
The campaign of the Chantal BIYA International Reference Center is underway in this locality in the Eastern region, to reduce the HIV prevalence rate. |
Publish 09/05/2017
The awareness campaign of the Chantal BIYA International Reference Center was launched on May 06, 2017, in Mekoto by Governor Félix Nguélé Nguélé.
Publish 08/05/2017
Dr. Claire Mulanga Tshidibi, Country Director of UNAIDS Cameroon, discovered the CBIRC |
Publish 12/10/2016
Members of the Cameroonian section of the International Union of the Francophone Press (UFP) went to discover this institution. |
Publish 20/09/2016
The “social vaccine” program to reduce STIs, HIV, and AIDS in education was launched on September 17, 2016, in this district of Haut-Nyong by the governor of the eastern region.
Publish 13/09/2016
The CRTV supports the CBIRC in the dissemination of the "social vaccine"
The fight against STIs / HIV / AIDS in education has registered a new ally. |
Publish 29/08/2016
This is all thanks to recent decisions taken by the management committee of the structure.
Publish 25/08/2016
The upgrading of the functions of civil servants was also on the agenda of the eighth ordinary session of the Board of Directors of this institution.
Publish 24/08/2016
They were evaluated during the 5th ordinary session of the Scientific Council of the CBIRC held on July 7, 2016.
Publish 22/03/2016
The institution founded by the First Lady, Chantal BIYA, received a visit from the daughter of the Italian president on March 17, 2016.
Publish 24/12/2015
The awareness campaign against HIV and AIDS led by the CBIRC was launched on December 12 in this locality in the Western region.
Publish 03/12/2015
The scientific staff needs to be reinforced. This is one of the main points addressed by members of this body on November 30, 2015. |
Publish 02/12/2015
The international workshop which took place from 24 to 26 November 2015 was part of the weeklong activities to mark AIDS Week 2015.
Publish 01/12/2015
The populations of this village in the eastern region were made aware of the means of prevention and a multimedia center was made available to them on November 21.
Publish 05/11/2015
An extraordinary session of the Centre's management committee took place on November 3, 2015.
Publish 04/11/2015
This follows the signing of an agreement between the CBIRC and the Ministry of Higher Education.
Publish 03/11/2015
An awareness campaign launched and a multimedia center was inaugurated in the city on October 24, 2015.
Publish 22/10/2015
It was on October 17, 2015, in this locality of the department of Mvila, the region of the South
Publish 13/10/2015
The CBIRC celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Central Africa Office of the AUF
It is all thanks to a football tournament organized for the occasion
Membre titulaire de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) depuis juillet 2009, le CIRCB a tenu à manifester son soutien à cette grande institution du monde francophone, à l’occasion de la célébration des 20 ans de son Bureau Afrique Centrale et des Grands Lacs (BACGL).
Publish 03/06/2015
While visiting the CBIRC, Michel SIDIBE came to appreciate the work undertaken by the First Lady of Cameroon in response to the HIV pandemic.
Publish 20/03/2015
The Director of the CBIRC in front of the French-speaking press
Thanks to the launch of the 3 rd season of its concept “Le Club de la Presse”, the Cameroonian section of the International Union of the Francophone Press (UFP ) went to discover the CBIRC.
Publish 19/03/2015
Since December 2014, the CBIRC has been sharing its expertise with laboratory technicians from peripheral structures in charge of HIV.
Publish 24/09/2014
Pr. Bernard CERGUIGLINI came to boost relations between his institution and the research center
Publish 27/02/2014
HE Mr. Nadav COHEN paid a visit to CBIRC and African Synergies on February 18th.
Publish 26/02/2014
2nd ordinary session of the International Scientific Council of the CBIRC
The work was held on January 8 and 9, 2014 at the headquarters of the institution
Publish 09/07/2013
Lecture Theater, New Teaching Building
Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University of Yaounde I
Yaounde, Cameroon
Publish 04/04/2013
The Director of the CBIRC, Prof. NDJOLO Alexis, announces the holding of the first ordinary session of the Scientific Council of the CBIRC on April 23 and 24, 2013 at the headquarters of the Institution, located in the Melen district in Yaoundé.
Publish 11/06/2012
Establishing, Organization and functioning of the Chantal Biya International Reference Center for research on the prevention and care of HIV / AIDS (CBIRC)
Publish 19/04/2012
WORKSHOP on "Management of Pediatric AIDS and HIV / HBV-Coinfected Patients"
April 24 to 27, 2012, at CBIRC
Under the Distinguished Patronage of The First Lady of Cameroon Madame Chantal Biya
Chair: Professor Tetanye Ekoe
Co-Chair: Professor Massimo Andreoni (Download Program here (English, French))
Management of HIV / AIDS highlights health care challenges of access to antiretroviral therapy, palliative care, and availability of qualified health personnel in the Central African region.
In four days, clinicians and Policymakers will focus on ways to optimize and harmonize existing initiatives and new strategies to improve the care of children living with HIV as well as people co-infected with HIV and Hepatitis B virus.
This International Workshop is supported by the Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network (CHAIN) - European Commission Project and other partners.
Publish 15/11/2011
Elsevier Project : More Than 2000 Bibliographic references on HIV/AIDS
Can be consulted through the following links...
1. Epidemiology 4. Social Sciences
2. Information 5. Biology
3. Programmatic 6. Clinical
Publish 15/11/2011
Several participants were instructed on standardized tools and methods aimed at facilitating the interpretation of drug resistance to ARVs in a patient with little data...